Reactor Bugg?

Ive noticed what i think is a bug.When i have 2 diffrent volumes in same activities ( diffrent actions ) the cursor hop back to the first volume columne when i try to write in the second volumecolumne. . Its same on a mac. I made a video but im not authurized to upload it.
/ Mattias

Now this is an appropriate question for a screen shot…

Hi sorry :slight_smile:

If i first enter or change the 60 value and then try to change the 30 value the cursor hop back to the 60 columne. A work around is copy paste in the 30 columne.

OK. I think I understand this. I can’t duplicate your results exactly, but I get a different (although benign) odd side-effect on the data-list controls in Chrome. Firefox has no issues that I can see. But that’s enough for me to assume why it might be confused, and my assumption was correct (it gets confused when two fields with a data-list have the same ID; that’s not a problem for any other field type).

It’s really a browser bug, but I can work around it. The problem, though, is that I will be travelling for 8 days starting tomorrow, making the scope of this workaround quite aggressive for my sensibilities under the circumstances. It’s just not enough time for me to really beat the changes up with some solid testing to be comfortable publishing it as a blessed public Hotfix.

So, I’ll do what I generally avoid, and publish just the one modified file for you in this thread. Install it by downloading and unzipping the archive, which contains only one file (J_ReactorSensor_UI7.js) and then upload that JS file using the uploader at Apps > Develop apps > Luup files. You will need to hard refresh your browser after (no need to reload Luup). See how you fare. If it goes wrong somehow, you can drop back to the latest published Hotfix version of the file.

Patched/workaround version: (70.3 KB)

Hi. OK it makes sense that its a browser thing… I downloaded the zip file but it gets a _2 at the end (j_reactorSensor_u17 2.js) Should i erase the number 2. to j_reactorSensor_u17.js like the existing luupfile? Have a nice trip! :slight_smile:

Yes, it needs to be exactly (include capitalization as shown) J_ReactorSensor_UI7.js

Did so and now it works fine !! Thanx!!