Reactor randomly failing since 7.30

Nope. Which I guess would be why? :wink:


I mentioned it at least twice… just sayin’ :laughing: :laughing: All good… rock on…

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Just shoot me now! :smiley: Sorry!

Just on another point ‘The way I re-formatted the log’ . I just grepped for the device and copied / pasted. What would have been better?


When actions are run in the log, the action parameters are also logged, on separate lines that got grepped out, but those would be useful to see. It’s good to leave some context around these things in general, as there are often messages emitted by LuaUPnP that don’t have the device number on them but often follow in close proximity. It’s a royal pain, honestly. It’s like sipping from a firehose, which is why I try to avoid it and focus so much attention on the Logic Summary, and get as much information to help as I can in there. Actually, it’s grown to be one of the single largest subsystems of Reactor, all just for diagnostics. But since there’s no easy way in Vera to tell if an action succeeds or fails, ultimately the logs are what we need to rely on, and in that case, you might be focused on one device, but the relevant error comes from another, particularly where plugin-driven devices are in the mix. Zwave, too, because of its highly asynchronous nature.

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OK, that makes sense. Never have been able to make sense of what most issues are because, as you say, no proper context in the logging. 3 minutes + of logs is a lot to ask anyone to trawl through. The way I’ve always done it at work is with judicious grepping, but a couple of decades experience is failing me :frowning:

I also have a longer relationship with grep than I’d like to admit. I find it only marginally useful for the logs. But, you might also check out the “Log Snippet” instructions on the Tools tab. That attempts to maintain some context… minimal, but helpful.

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Logic report Alrum.pdf (84.1 KB)

Hey i have a huge delay on the reactors i have attached report and picture on my (Alrum) reactor, every day we encounter this problem, the sensor see us and the reactor changes state but the action do not happen, i can’t find the error, and i have gone through this the last month with this error.

but if i reset or restart my Vera then it works fine, but this could not be necessary every day or twice a day

Please help, it looks like the same problem as mentioned above

Thanks in advance


Hey Pabla

Can i ask why?

Sorry I realized you already attached it!

I’ve changed my Vera to reboot daily to solve the issue. I blame 7.3x as I never had these issues under 7.29.

Okay I will try this, but it still irritates me to have to do this, as you mentioned it worked fine before 7.29

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