UI7 - Vera Firmware Update - Version 7.0.31 + new Cloud storage service (1.7.5185/1.7.5186/1.7.5187) - September 2nd, 2020

Ok. I have not noticed them being stuck on my Vera controllers.

Edit: Don’t be too quick to start the inclusion process of the sensor. Sometimes the Vera needs some time within the 60 seconds before it receives.

Normally this is not a big problem but if several of these sensors, or combined with another sensor, are part of a logical equation where the detections are OR’d such behavior will lead to such a approach not working. If a detection leads to the sensor going from the high state to low and then high again it can be used in more simple detection schemes and even in Vera with a more complex set up in PLEG.

Oh My god!!!

I have been away a while. But after returning here I read only HORROR stories.

I would have expected that after exlo took over thing would have gotten better but it seems to only have gotten worse!


Is it realy better on other ships?

I have now updated all my Vera3 plus controllers and update went well, no problems here. Everything is working fine. (Update took about 10…11 minutes per box)

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Yes it is.

Vera support updated 3 units for me. All is fine.

I upgraded both my Vera Plus and my Vera Edge with no problems. Despite all the ups and downs and frustrations. I will say that the Ezlo did make some significant changes in the past year to the old Vera firmware line that has resulted in significantly improved stability of the system. Without a lot of effort from me, my system is running faster and more reliably, than it was before Ezlo took over. So while it still has its quirks and bugs, for me it does the job that I need it to do at a price that I appreciate. .


The known issues, previously known issues are longer than the 2 fixes. Why even bother with to release an “update” after months.

I must be blind or slow - are there direct download links for the firmware to do offline upgrades? I can’t find links anywhere on the forums, Google, or release notes (usually they are linked to at the top of the article).

I’ve finally! took the plunge and performed the upgrade on my VeraPlus.
I contacted Support upfront and asked them to make a quick “pre-migration” check. They recommended a 2-stage update, as I was coming from a very old release 1.7.4453

I’ve followed the procedure and all went well! I must admit I had some sweaty hands for a while…
All seems to work, is responsive etc at this point and I’ll make some checks on my various devices & logic I’ve deployed
No more nagging-screens for now about new-firmware :wink:

Happy camper! (so far)