Vera Alerts - Plugin Version 7.23

Thanks Richard!

Deleting the content of the Profiles parameter solved my problem.
The MsgOverride parameter was not even available from the advanced tab. Now it is though.

Thanks again for everything you do to make Vera as powerful as it is with your stuff in it!

[quote=“RichardTSchaefer, post:80, topic:175819”]Did you have it set ? Does your mail server require it to be set ?
If your mail server requires it to be clear than there is a bug in the current release until I make my change … That’s the problem the @Vreo was having. I am always doing a SSL connection … even if your mail server can’t handle it.[/quote]

The last batch of logs I sent had the VeraAlerts SSL checkbox cleared, but authentication checked. My server does not require SSL, but supports it via STARTTLS, so I’m able to test both ways. I only disabled it on VeraAlerts so that I could debug what VeraAlerts was sending. However with SSL I see the same type of output. Does VeraAlerts issue a STARTTLS command when it connects to a mail server, or does it assume it’s talking SSL/TLS on a dedicated port?

For SSL it only talks over an SSL socket.
It does not use StartTLS.

Richard, I have detected that the problem with the profiles becoming “nil” is only when you are working through the fwd servers.

Thank you! I never use the forward servers … except indirectly via the 3rd party apps.
I will get this sorted out.

Release version Version 4.1

[ul][li]Add Support for Prowl[/li]
[li]Fix bugs in SMTP to allow NON SSL connections, Fix bug in Pushover profile[/li][/ul]

Hello Richard,

I’ve been trying to get video working as well sent to my android and I am having the same exact issue as sapiloncat above. I think I may have found out the problem unless I’m just looking at it all wrong. I checked the logs in the vera and noticed that after trying to send video to my phone it says that it’s looking for “va.7.2013-12-06-16-05-44.jpg” and it does it over and over again. What looks to be hundreds of times. I checked that log folder and the file name is actually “va.7.2013-12-06-16-05-44.mjpeg”. So to me it looks like your program is looking to send something that doesn’t exist which is why sapiloncat and I are having the same exact issue. Is this a setting we can change on our own or am I just completely wrong.

This is in the logs hundreds of times after I try to get it to send Video. Again, this doesn’t exist. The mpeg does which is what I think it’s suppose to be looking for. Please let me know if you need more info or anything. I’d like to get this resolved as well :slight_smile:

12/06/13 16:08:46.869 luup_log:6: VeraAlert:6:VeraAlertsContext:Result Size:22 <0x2cfef680>
50 12/06/13 16:08:46.938 luup_log:6: VeraAlert:6:VeraAlertsContext:Download:va.7.2013-12-06-16-05-44.jpg <0x2e41c680>


thanks for the details I will look into it.
There is nothing you can do to work around it.

Hey Richard, I am trying to make a profile that sends to two IDs but it is not working, i tried with a space and with a “,” and in the logs I only see one URL including both ids instead of making two requests, one with each ID. In PLEG, if I put two ids space separated, it generates both alerts separately, I though that the profiles worked the same way. I am wrong? Here is my setting (I substituted the ID’s).

A profile is for a single target device.
You can create many profiles.
You can assign many profiles to a single user.
For testing I have 7 profiles assigned to me.

Thanks Richard.

Hi Ricard,
newbies question… regarding Vera LAN, which Host address should I fill into, Vera or my android ?
I try to search on your RTS web but can’t find any info…
many thanks

Use the android IP address. You may want to assign the same IP each time from your DHCP server.

I am trying to use the plugin to handle and change the default notification in a device. Within the Notification Configuration tab in VeraAlerts, text at the top shows that I have 1 Notification Updated. However, there is no dialog box within that tab that lists the notification or provides option to change. I have refreshed browser and tested the standard Vera notification which works fine and sends SMS.

I must be missing a simple step…

Richard, great tool, I’m covering all my Pushover alerts over to this.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the new Alerts module seems like the perfect place to implement a SysLog function to send alerts to the syslog.

They are similar, but differ in volume of data and add long term persistence. Not to mention analysis tools.

Been using your plug in since you developed it. Great work !

I was wondering if it is possible to send alerts on my local lan without a internet connection ?

I.e. Vera directly to my Android tablet. My tablet has the alerts installed and works fine as long as my router has an internet connection, but if I loose my internet connection for any reason then my alerts stop.
I would guess it has something to do with the vera alert id number on the tablet ??

Yes that’s what the Vera-Alerts-LAN profile is about.
You will want to make sure your Android has a Fixed IP.
Enter it’s IP in the profile. Pick a port number like 3000
On Vera Alerts on your Android … Set the LAN Port in Vera Alerts Settings.
It will show the Current IP address … But if you do not assign it a fixed IP … the Router can change this at a later point in time.

This feature has been around for a while.

Great, Thank you ! I will try out your instructions.

You will want to make sure your Android has a Fixed IP. Enter it's IP in the profile. Pick a port number like 3000 On Vera Alerts on your Android ... Set the LAN Port in Vera Alerts Settings. It will show the Current IP address ... But if you do not assign it a fixed IP ... the Router can change this at a later point in time.

I have had no luck getting this to work.

I put in the static ip number of the Android in VeraAlerts Settings.
When I enter the port number in the VeraAlerts Settings I get an error “Device not ready”.
Also in Vera Message Window I get “Startup Lua Failed” on reload.

The Android device is a Nexus 10 Tablet with a static ip address and I have put port 3000 in the Vera app on it. The Android is running the latest firmware (KitCat I think it,s called)
I must be doing something wrong ???