VeraPlus LEDs switch off

Hi all.

Is it possible to turn off VeraPlus LEDs in the night? Or swhich them off at all?
They shine as small lamp :frowning:

Hello kmv,

The status of LEDs are part of the controllerā€™s functionality, it is very important for any HA system as these to be active, unfortunately, there is no option from the UI to achieve this.

[quote=ā€œkmv, post:1, topic:200001ā€]Hi all.

Is it possible to turn off VeraPlus LEDs in the night? Or swhich them off at all?
They shine as small lamp :([/quote]

If you really want to do this I can provide Lua code to do it within a scene:

os.execute(" off service") os.execute(" off internet") os.execute(" off power") os.execute(" off zwave") os.execute(" off zigbee") os.execute(" off wifi") os.execute(" off bluetooth")

I donā€™t recommend itā€¦