Virtual Panel Plugin

It appears the latest firmware has made the default icon directory “/www/cmh/skins/default/img/icons/” Ready Only so can’t add/change my icons anymore. Please confirm if it is Read Only?? I am now using ‘/www/cmh/skins/default/icons’ and have updated all my Devices (D_XXX.json files) and added “…/…/…/icons/” before the icon file name and all is now OK.
The problem is I can’t select the icons for my virtual panels as it is set to “/www/cmh/skins/default/img/icons/”. Can you please update it to another directory i.e. /www/cmh/skins/default/icons or allow the user to set their default one.


Bushy, I’ll have a look to see what I can do for this. I heard rumors that they were changing the icon directories.

Hello. I can’t believe I just discovered this magical tool just now. I’v already used it and I’m loving it. I spent a bit of time on this thread and I’m amazed by the evolution of this over the years. Merci rstrousse. My question (and I kindda see it’s been discussed but I cannot find an answer in these pages…)

I have created a panel (ZPANEL1) with all the goodies that I need for a specific device… I’m happy with it. Is there a way for me to copy my “ZPANEL1” and create a “ZPANEL2” and then go into this new panel and modify a few things in there?



Thanks for the kudos. Unfortunately, I never got to a point where the files were replicated through the interface to make a copy. I am hoping to get some time soon to finish some new features. Life and work seem to always be in the way.

NP. is there a way I could “print” the details of my panel (with all the attributes), so I don’t have to go back & forth to recreate manually a new panel?

Kind of. At the top of the layout tab there is a + sign that will give you the contents of the json config file for the panel. From there you can copy it.

how do I create the Virtual plugin once I upload all of the files?

Did you do steps 6 and 7 (and the hard refresh further down) in the install instructions post?

I will try again just got power back from the storm

We lucked out (south of Atlanta airport) apparently. The storm the week before last had us on generator for overnight and into the next night, but this one barely made any messes for us. I know others were not nearly so lucky. Hope all (else) is well were you are.

Well back up and running 100% changed my Counters to weekly instead of daily much easier to view less coding and tells me all I need to know.
As far as the Virtual Panel it is just not going to work on my Vera , must be something in the “xml” file have load all of the files 4 times and created the app 4 times and nothing
Any ideas?

Hi folks,
I’ve been playing around with a panel for my home electricity monitoring.
How could I format the results into kW or kWh (i.e. divide by 1000)?

Figured it out with the use of Reactor and SiteSensor expressions.