Virtual Switch plugin not recognize by iphone apps

I am using this virtual switches mainly for my air conditioner and some infra red devices to be control through sqblaster with on/off functionality. and it works like a charm.

however, I found that this virtual switches that I have does not show up in iphone apps (iVera, vera mobile), or home controller (windows 8 ), and android (vera mobile) and also some others application.

any possible way to fix this?

The developers of said apps would need to add support for this. Your best bet is to contact them directly.

  • Garrett

so it is not the virtual switch plugin that need to be modify?

Hi woodchild.

I tend to “scenify” (if that is a word) a lot - i.e. use a lot of scenes to do things instead of direct, single device control. I have the same problem as you do.

I just write scenes (which DO appear) to do stuff. For example, I am using a virtual switch for a home vs away, and just have scenes for Home and Away which toggle the virtual switch.

It is the app developpers job to support vera plugins. You now have two options:

  1. Look for an app which supports this plugin. There is one which supports plugins generically, but I don’t remember its name. I am an Android User, but my dad is using the one, I can ask him…

  2. Use scenes to toggle the Virtual Switches as proposed by beachboync.

I’m an iPhone user and I ended up using scenes to toggle Virtual Switches may do the trick.

Another alternative is to use the classic virtual switch that the Virtual Switch plug-in is based on. That original uses a standard switch type (for precisely the reason of having out-of-the-box compatibility with apps). However, this requires manual installation of some files; old school. :slight_smile: