Vision Security Siren no longer detectate


Your application is very good, the best one.

I want to ask you if you can add the ViSon Security siren ZM1601 in your Alarm Section. Because it was identify like a Switch on my Vera and in Simplewave.

But according with the Vera’s Tech Support, they put the Siren in a Siren mode and no longer a Switch.

Can you look why i cant saw this Siren any where now?

Thx for answer

Hi Thanks for the feedback - we’re working on UI7 updates to prepare for Veras upcoming release. I’ll add this to the priority list for UI7 updates.


Thanks for answer
All waiting for UI7 :slight_smile:

I finally stay on UI5 and my siren isnt on Simplewave ? any idea ?

I believe Vera only supports the siren type in UI7. It should show up as a switch in UI5. Do you see it as a switch?

No, it was a Switch un the previous version of Simplewave but now, i cant see it any where .
Thx for help

Ah, that makes sense. We’d have to switch it back to support UI5.

Ok thanks four your action. Now i can see my siren in Risk Menu