Why am is my Vera Plus constantly going offline?


Just setup Vera several days ago.
It has been offline more than online.
I have solid lights throughout on the unit and I can reboot the machine and get it started but that kind of defeats the purpose.
Any ideas, tips how to keep this online?
My internet connection has and is always rock steady

This could be a start of an answer : http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,39572.0.html
Here too : http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,39045.0.html

If you mean that it goes offline att getvera(dot)com it might be that vera has some issues on their servers and your vera device and internet connection is just fine.

They have a site where you can check the status of the servers but it does not always show all problems → http://status.getvera.com/

I mean that my scenes do not work and I am unable to manually turn on light or control anything from desktop or app since everytime I log in I am getting a message that Vera is offline.
THis is really tiresome.
How is it that I need to reboot everyday when every other internet based device I have works fine.
Very frustrating…

I would factory reset and start over. If it still does the same thing after reset, you may have a dud - return it!

Am wililng to try…

  1. how do I factory reset?
  2. will that erase all the devices and scenes I have created. Lots of hours were invested there…


The factory reset will clean everything. If you have lots of coding and devices, I think you should contact customer support.

If that does not help then I would try to evaluate the HW + factory SW via the following

  1. Backup the z-wave + system
  2. Do a factory reset (via UI or pressing the reset button six times in 1 second)
  3. Do Basic system confic (location,name etc)
  4. Verify that the system is stable (1-2 days or so) → HW OK
  5. Restore the backup to see if the system stays stable with you devices and other coding probably not

This has happened to me with a vera secure and a vera plus…Both times tech support changed the relay keys and both times the units never went offline again.Its an external issue…