Xiaomi Aqara VIbration Sensor


IS VeraPlus box compatible with

Xiaomi Aqara vibration sensor in ZIgbee ?



Bienvenu Armelle!

Unfortunately vibration sensing is not implemented on the vera and therefore the endpoint is unlikely to be reported on it. There is an equivalent zwave sensor called a glass break sensor made by vision which is supported by the vera though.


I have that go control sensor. It uses microphones to detect high frequency sound that matches glass-breaking profiles. (Also dropped keys on marble tile)

It is not a shock/motion sensor.

have one - got it to pair but i don’t know how to configure it yet, i was working on some stuff i need to get a vibration sensor device also it has 3 x y and z tilt values but stil i need a device file for the tilt and drop sensor should be easy but just time, i ordered the temp sensor - i should be able to get that to work will post details once i get it