Fibaro RGBW Controller

Thanks for the follow up, i’m glad I installed mine the way I did then…

Has anyone experienced an issue when sending a color value to the plugin via REST, and getting a slightly different color?

The version 1.0 of the plugin RGB Controller has been approved.

Changelog :

  • fixes the issue about unwanted colors.
  • sliders can now set the ‘00’ and ‘FF’ values.
  • compatible with the Zipato RGBW Bulb (type of device has to be chosen in the settings).
    In order to set the cool white color instead of the warm white color, ‘WhiteAlias’ variable has to be changed from ‘e5’ to ‘e6’.
  • adds new ways to call animation programs :
luup.call_action("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RGBController1", "StartAnimationProgram", { programName = "LPD" }, <deviceId>)

luup.call_action("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RGBController1", "StopAnimationProgram", {}, <deviceId>)

It seems that the Zipato can’t control cool white color and other colors at the same time.
A new version of the plugin is in progress.

Sounds great that you have added Zipato RGB Bulb support!

I would very much want to be able to start/stop the Fibaro RGBW animations in a scene, is this on the todo list? :slight_smile:

My Vera has not yet got the latest version, still showing version 0.9 with the “auto update” box checked. Can I force it to update without the need of removing it first?

I readed in the user manula Fibaro RGBW , that the animation presets number is 10 .
I downloaded the rgbw plugin, great, but the program number is only 5.
How can i “wizard” the all animations?


 I am running a VeraEdge, and have physically attached a PIR to I1 of this device and am new to the system.  I read that the RGBW Controller handles the Input signals internally, and not via a device on the Vera, is that correct?  Do I need to create an association?  In the end, all I want is for motion to turn on/off the lights like a light switch.

[quote=“taylotr, post:245, topic:175646”]Hello,

 I am running a VeraEdge, and have physically attached a PIR to I1 of this device and am new to the system.  I read that the RGBW Controller handles the Input signals internally, and not via a device on the Vera, is that correct?  Do I need to create an association?  In the end, all I want is for motion to turn on/off the lights like a light switch.[/quote]

I’m trying to do the same.
For now, the motion detection is seen as a click. The problem : it doesn’t really power on the strip.
It’s handled as a long click, which means increase or decrease intensity.

If you use “TOGGLE” or “TOGGLE W/MEMORY” mode, the led strip switches on with movement and switches off when the PIR sensor is no more tripped.

I’ve used a cheap PIR sensor HC-SR501 (DYP-ME003) with a transistor 2N2222 and a resistor.

Here is the code to transform the dimmer in power switch, and resolve the problem with the long click.

_G.SID = {
	Dimming = "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1"

_G.DeviceHelper = {
	-- Get device id by its description
	getIdByName = function (deviceName)
		if (deviceName == nil) then
			return nil
		if (type(deviceName) == "number") then
			return deviceName
			for deviceId, device in pairs(luup.devices) do
				if (device.description == deviceName) then
					return deviceId
		luup.log("[DeviceHelper.getIdByName] " .. deviceName .. " doesn't exist", 1)
		return nil

DimmerToSwitchPowerManager = {

	onDimmerLevelIsUpdated = function (lul_device, lul_service, lul_variable, lul_value_old, lul_value_new)
		local oldLevel, newLevel, forcedLevel = tonumber(lul_value_old), tonumber(lul_value_new), nil
		local message = "(DimmerToSwitchPowerManager.onDimmerLevelIsUpdated) Level of dimmer #" .. tostring(lul_device) .. "(" .. luup.devices[lul_device].description .. ") has changed from " .. tostring(oldLevel) .. "% to " .. tostring(newLevel) .. "%"
		if (oldLevel <= newLevel) then
			-- Dimmer level is increasing
			if (lul_value_new ~= "100") then
				forcedLevel = 100
		elseif (lul_value_new ~= "0") then
			-- Dimmer level is decreasing
			forcedLevel = 0
		if (forcedLevel ~= nil) then
			luup.log(message .. " - Force level to " .. tostring(forcedLevel) .. "%", 50)
			luup.call_action(SID.Dimming, "SetLoadLevelTarget", { newLoadlevelTarget = forcedLevel }, lul_device)
			luup.log(message .. " - Nothing to do", 50)

	start = function (dimmerName)
		local dimmerId = DeviceHelper.getIdByName(dimmerName)
		if (dimmerId ~= nil) then
			luup.log("(DimmerToSwitchPowerManager.start) Register #" .. tostring(dimmerId) .. "(" .. tostring(dimmerName) .. ")", 50)
			luup.variable_watch("DimmerToSwitchPowerManager.onDimmerLevelIsUpdated", SID.Dimming, "LoadLevelStatus", dimmerId)
			luup.log("(DimmerToSwitchPowerManager.start) Device '" .. dimmerName .. "' is unknown", 1)

_G["DimmerToSwitchPowerManager.onDimmerLevelIsUpdated"] = DimmerToSwitchPowerManager.onDimmerLevelIsUpdated

to use it :


A approval request has been sent for version 1.2

Change log :

You will find the sources here :

Hi Vosmont,

I should have an Aeotec RGBW bulb in hand next week - do you have any plans to add support for this bulb in the plugin?


[quote=“Big Moose, post:249, topic:175646”]Hi Vosmont,

I should have an Aeotec RGBW bulb in hand next week - do you have any plans to add support for this bulb in the plugin?


I don’t know how the Vera handles the Aeotec, but if it supports the Z-Wave Color Command Class, it should be compatible.

[quote=“vosmont, post:250, topic:175646”][quote=“Big Moose, post:249, topic:175646”]Hi Vosmont,

I should have an Aeotec RGBW bulb in hand next week - do you have any plans to add support for this bulb in the plugin?


I don’t know how the Vera handles the Aeotec, but if it supports the Z-Wave Color Command Class, it should be compatible.[/quote]

Hi Vosmont,

I’m not quite sure if this helps you but I have the reported capabilities from within the device for the Aeotec bulb.

Aeotec: 211,156,1,4,17,1,L,R,B,RS,|38S,39S,43S,44S,51S,89S,90S,94,112S,114S,115S,122S,130S,133S,134S,152,

for comparison (you know these :wink:
Zipato: 211,156,1,4,17,1,L,R,B,RS,|32,38,51,89,90,94,112,114,115,122,133,134,

So it does support color control command class, but the version is 51S, not 51.

What do you think?



Hello Big Moose,

the settings are made by the javascript part. It searches the string “,51,” in the reported capabilities (not really an elegant way to do :))

I will change that, but first, can you test the compatibility ?

Just choose “Zipato RGBW Bulb” in the “Settings” tab, and modify by hand in “Advanced” tab the variable “DeviceId”.
No need to reload Luup, the settings are watched.

In the UI, what do you have ? Just one dimmer for cold white ?

Thanks for the tip Vosmont … By choosing ZIP RGBW bulb and changing the deviceid by hand, all 4 colours show up.

R,G&B work perfectly and are properly mapped, the white (yellow slider) is driving warm white, not cool white. (I don’t think there is a cool white on this bulb)

Although the bulb doesn’t show up in the settings dropdown, with a manual tweak the Aeotec works perfectly with your plugin.

I found this in the extended manual that states there are both cool white and warm white.

If the attachment doesn’t come through for some reason it states that :
[font=times new roman]Note: White LED and RGB LED will not light up at the same time, so the software makes the following processing. When you want to activate the current RGB color, the color value of higher priority should be set to 0.
For example: The warm white is the highest priority, when it is configured to 0, the Cold white or RGB color configuration values can be activated. Otherwise, the bulb is always be activated by warm white.[/font]

So it looks like in order to alter the cool white, you must first disable the warm white.

I’ll be testing my aeontech bulb with this plugin as soon as I have a chance.

Big Moose, since I’m still very new to Vera, what did you change manually to set the deviceid?


Ok, so the Aeotec Bulb doesn’t work exactly as the Zipato Bulb (cold and warm white are handled differently).

As I haven’t an Aeotec Bulb (nor a Zipato), can you confirm these points :
1/ On the Vera UI, there’s just 1 device created by default : a dimmer which controls warm white or cold white ?
2/ On the plugin RGB Controller, if you set RGB colors, it’s ok ?
3/ On the plugin RGB Controller, if you set white channel (yellow slider) after RGB colors, RGB channels are turned off and warm white is turned on ?
4/ If you turn on the default dimmer in UI, what’s happening when you choose an RGB color with the plugin ?

To set the DeviceId, you go in ‘Advanced’ tab (in the bottom of the screen) , then ‘Variables’ tab, and set the value of ‘DeviceId’ (click somewhere else to send the new value).

You could try to set “WhiteAlias” to “e6”, and see if the white channel (yellow slider) sets the cold white.

Vosmont, I really want to confirm these points but I have a few problems / questions.

I was working on setting up the plugin and decided to start over. I deleted both the Aeotec bulb (did not remove/exclude it) and the device created by your plugin. Not a big problem with the plugin device, (reinstalled the plugin and it was back). However, I can’t seem to exclude, then include, the bulb again. That’s a problem for another post.

I’m a complete rookie (newbie) to z-wave and vera so I’m sorry if my answers and questions seem very simple.

To your questions:

1/ When I had the bulb working, I believe this is correct (1 device created) and it only had a dimmer control. But how do I tell 100% if it controls the warm white or the cold white? It looked cold white to my eyes. How can I send a command to verify this?

2/ Unfortunately, I can’t answer that yet as I didn’t get the bulb working with the plugin quite yet.

3/ Same as point 2

4/ Same as point 2

When you say to “set the DeviceId”, which device are you talking about? The device that is created as the bulb or the RGB Controller device created by your plugin?

Currently, on the RGB Controller device (created by the plugin) I get “RGB device id is not set”. Should I change the DeviceId on this to be the DeviceId of my bulb? When I did that, it looked like they “merged” together. What happens when I want to group multiple bulbs together as a group? And if I have two groups of bulbs that I want to control separately?

Let’s look at this suggestion after I’ve got a better grasp of what I’m doing. :slight_smile:

Again, I’m sorry for the newbie questions, but I’m still getting to know Vera and its terms.

Thanks for your help (and the plugin),

Hey JMarken,

With the bulb added as a device you should see the device with a simple on/off and dimmer.

Within the settings tab find the ID (see attached image).

Now create a instance of the RGB plugin. You can leave the brand dropdown empty or even choose Zipato bulb. Let the creation finish and save.

Go into the new instance advanced tab and manually enter the deviceid of your Aeotec (see attached image). Click into any other tab, close the window, and to my liking reload the page.

You should now be controlling the Aeotec via the plugin.


Vosmont, see below.

[quote=“vosmont, post:255, topic:175646”]…
As I haven’t an Aeotec Bulb (nor a Zipato), can you confirm these points :
1/ On the Vera UI, there’s just 1 device created by default : a dimmer which controls warm white or cold white ?
2/ On the plugin RGB Controller, if you set RGB colors, it’s ok ?
3/ On the plugin RGB Controller, if you set white channel (yellow slider) after RGB colors, RGB channels are turned off and warm white is turned on ?
4/ If you turn on the default dimmer in UI, what’s happening when you choose an RGB color with the plugin ?[/quote]

1: Just one device by default, dimmer controls warm white
2: All RGB colors are mapped to their corresponding sliders correctly and sliders are functional (as is wheel)
3: Setting white channel to other than zero turns of RGB and adjusts warm white to desired level, returning white slider to zero re-instates RGB to previous color mapping
4: Off in device turns bulb off. On in device returns to previous RGB color. RGB color sliders in plugin operate normally after bulb is turned on via device. Dimmer slider in device alters level of current RGB mapping with no introduction of white.

Furthermore: when turned on 100% (cold white), setting the yellow slider in plugin to anything other than 0 turns off cold white and sets warm white to desired level.

I’m sorry Vosmont, but I’m not having any luck with this bulb and your plugin.

I’ve tried many different times, trying to change things to get it to work (following your advice as close as I can), but it still won’t control the bulb.

I’ve got the Vera Edge running the latest firmware (1.7.1181).

Big Moose, are you on UI5? That is probably my problem.

I documented my latest round of steps with results in case it helps. Please see the attached .pdf for the series of events.

Also, I apologize if I’m hijacking this thread. I can post another thread if that is needed.

Any thoughts or suggestions that I can try?

Thank you very much for your help (and the plugin).


First, your Bulb has to work in the UI.
In your screenshots, it seems that the Bulb is no more here.

Before trying to use RGB Controller, is the dimmer, created by the Vera, working normally ?
On, Off and dimmer should control warm white.