Free graphs for your temp/power sensors

The update works. The sign in seems to have a bit of issue. Seems like when using Google password save to the cloud it’s trying to recall localhost. Then I signed in a few more times and it showed my name but not my dashboard.

I had to kill the recent on the app, reopen it, then it appeared to work fine.

Hmm, that’s strange, I can’t replicate it really

HundredGraphs app is made available again on google store. It is beta track, so you need to click on that link to be able to install it.

Thx for trying

Public dashboards moved to HundredGraphs, visualize and smarten up your IoT data. Previously they were on the same url as private and that has been some confusions

”Error: Extended features. Frequent update was used”

Anyone seen this? I’m getting this error too often, I guess because of luup reload. So @ipstas could you modify your service to occasionally allow data push twice within 10 minutes?

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Another issue (@ipstas, still around?): only 6 out of a total of 12 graphs are shown on my dashboard. I don’t remember there was this kind of a limitation earlier?

Hi @tunnus, sorry, I was out of the board for some time. If you need immediate assistance it is better to get through the form on site.

As for the issue, we had some performance issues at the time, but it should be fixed for now. Can you let me know if you still have that problem?

Do you like smart devices and talking to people?

HundredGraphs, a smart energy analytics project, is looking for a co-founder to lead the Community development.

We are already running and have some revenue and looking to grow up.
Fun, challenges, and options are included.

Small print: Community Manager will be a cofounder on a part-time to full time basis. The initial reward will be paid in options.

Hello @ipstas -

Having an issue after trying to update my plugin. My Vera now reports " HundredGraphs[573] : Startup Lua Failed"

I deleted the device and reinstalled the plugin which seem to recover things temporarily. However, when I went in to only select the devices I want, I saved on the Device screen; but then it said something like “save failed”. Luup then reloaded and I got the error again.

Any ideas?

What version of the plugin you have?

It’s still reporting 3.4 even after “re-downloading” from the Vera “app store”. It’s been working fine until I tried to update.

Actually, the “About” tab shows 3.6 but the “Install Apps” area shows 3.4. Odd.

It has something to do with my device data. If I reset it, Lua reloads and no errors exist. If I “get devices” again, I get the save error, a reload, and then the plugin re-presents the load failure. Argh. Wish I would have just left it alone. :slight_smile:

Do you have altUI installed? If you do, can you go to Misc->OS Command->Search Logs and use ‘HundregGraphs’ as a parameter.
And then let me know what you got in the log

I just ran it from the command line. I’ll PM the results as I assume my API key, etc may be in there.

Thanks for the help. I’ll revert here with the fix (if any) for future readers.

No key in the open :wink: or you will have to change it. Meantime I am trying to recreate on one of our veras

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Actually, have you tried to reload luup engine? You can do it from AltUI or you can restart Vera

OK, confirmed 3.6 is bust, we managed to push the version with the typo.

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