Serial device not showing up

Not off the top, but that long thread on USB Serial setup has the commands needed to work it out (dmesg, lsusb etc) once the device has been plugged into Vera

I tried vendor=10c4 and product ea60 and it worked.

I just posted the set of steps that I use when the Vera forgets my gateway USB port over on VERA 2 Device Install | MySensors Forum

Well I am making some progress, but the serial communication only works one-way (from Nano to Vera) but not the other direction. Does anyone know why this would happen?

I’m having the no serial showing up problem with my Vera Lite.

Have a Vera Lite,

NANO is programmed right and can see the start message.

But when plugged into VERA I get no serial showing up.

Only thing I can think is I’m using a 4.00 Chinese clone nano. This one to be exact.

Know what my problem could be?


Would start with checking dmesg, this to see if the bridge-chip is recognized. If it isn’t you might need to ammend the serial proxy config(ser2proxy). If it is, you can deduct the proper devicevalue from that.
Could you post also the screen of the serialconfig?

Well that was over my head so I needed to do some leg work.

But after getting putty and my SSH password of my VERAlite

entering this command: “dmesg | grep -i tty”

Kernel command line: console=ttyS1,57600 board=VERALITE rootfstype=squashfs,jffs2 console [ttyS1] enabled serial8250: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x10000500 (irq = 13) is a 16550A serial8250: ttyS1 at MMIO 0x10000c00 (irq = 20) is a 16550A usb 1-1.4: pl2303 converter now attached to ttyUSB0

I have also attached a screen shot of how it currently looks with a powered USB hub plugged into my vera and the USB flash drive, CAddx alarm, and Arduino Nano plugged in.

I’m pulling my hair out trying to get the Vera Lite UI to show my FTDI serial -USB adaptor. I’ve read every post on the subject and tried it all. I even bought 2 different FTDI adaptors and neither shows in the UI (firmware version 1.7.318).
It appears to detect my serial port:

From dmesg:

ftdi_sio 2-1:1.0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter detected
usb 2-1: Detected FT232RL
usb 2-1: Number of endpoints 2
usb 2-1: Endpoint 1 MaxPacketSize 64
usb 2-1: Endpoint 2 MaxPacketSize 64
usb 2-1: Setting MaxPacketSize 64
usb 2-1: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0
eth0: link down
eth0: link up (100Mbps/Full duplex)
ramips-wdt: timeout value 60 must be 0 < timeout < 25

I had no serproxy.ports file so I added it with the line’vendor:0403 product:6001’ - reboot and still no love. When I click on the Serial Port configuration in the UI it doesn’t do anything? It just remains on the page “Test Luup code (Lua)”.

Can anyone suggest something else? Perhaps there is a problem with the UI?

Many thanks in advance

Nobody has verified if the serial gateway works on UI7. Other plugins seems to have problems using the USB ports on UI7.

Thanks hek - that makes me feel a bit better. Can I roll back my UI? I’m new to the Vera.


Hek can you help out in my case above? Anything I can do or just get another nano? The one on your site linked is known to work right?

I’m on ui5

[quote=“integlikewhoa, post:52, topic:180240”]Hek can you help out in my case above? Anything I can do or just get another nano? The one on your site linked is known to work right?

I’m on ui5[/quote]

Maybe ser2net could help you. Someone successfully connected an Uno here:

I got this going via a uno and ser2net way back when my sensors was in early development. I believe I have a few posts on this in the forum explaining what I did. It’s definitely possible to do.

  • Garrett

Since last week I now have the problem with my VeraLite UI5 to find my serial gateway after power up. For a while it was a hit or miss to get it back with reloads and power cycles, but now its mostly not possible.
dmesg gives me the “unable to enumerate USB device” error as someone wrote here earlier. Once connected the gateway works perfect.
I also have a Ethernet gateway (ENC28J60) which I yesterday updated with the new UIPEthernet library. This works just as good and right away, but instead it’s not working to include anything (it found one child once but not the node). (At one include try all my Arduino device boxes were permanently erased of their content, so rescue from backup was needed.)
But here is the funny thing; After using the Ethernet gateway and then switching back to the serial gateway - Vera always finds the usb-device with the serial gateway!?! :o
This manual start up by switching gateways is not very attractive and I suspect some corruption of files. I think a reinstall of plugin-files is worth a first try. Any other suggestions?

[quote=“m26872, post:55, topic:180240”]Since last week I now have the problem with my VeraLite UI5 to find my serial gateway after power up. For a while it was a hit or miss to get it back with reloads and power cycles, but now its mostly not possible.
dmesg gives me the “unable to enumerate USB device” error as someone wrote here earlier. Once connected the gateway works perfect.
I also have a Ethernet gateway (ENC28J60) which I yesterday updated with the new UIPEthernet library. This works just as good and right away, but instead it’s not working to include anything (it found one child once but not the node). (At one include try all my Arduino device boxes were permanently erased of their content, so rescue from backup was needed.)
But here is the funny thing; After using the Ethernet gateway and then switching back to the serial gateway - Vera always finds the usb-device with the serial gateway!?! :o
This manual start up by switching gateways is not very attractive and I suspect some corruption of files. I think a reinstall of plugin-files is worth a first try. Any other suggestions?[/quote]

This might not help you at all, but I found my cheap ebay NANO to be my problem with not showing up (I know not really the same issue your having) but after that its go me thinking how many other people have connection issues related to cheap/faulty units.

Maybe try another NANO if your’s was a cheaper one and see if your issues continue.

Also I know nothing of Ethernet gateway.

[quote=“integlikewhoa, post:56, topic:180240”]This might not help you at all, but I found my cheap ebay NANO to be my problem with not showing up (I know not really thesame issue your having) but after that its go me thinking how many other people have connection issues related to cheap/faulty units.

Maybe try another NANO if your’s was a cheaper one and see if your issues continue.[/quote]
Thanks. I have a few of those cheap Nanos. But this one is sourced and proven not to be one of them.

I tried new pluging-files which help once, but not after a reboot.

Since there are other strange problems, I think I must face it - a factory reset is needed. And a lot of work to rebuild my setup… :cry:

I was having trouble getting the serial gateway to show up. No mater what I did, once I created the device, it would hang on lua startup. I fixed this by changing the serial baud rate BEFORE creating the device (once the device is created, I lost access to serial settings). It was on 9600 (I think) by default. I changed this to 115200, restarted the vera, THEN I added the mysensors device.

So, if you have trouble, try deleting the device and set the serial device per the instructions. The only thing that was not set correctly on mine was the baud rate.