The new VERA Dashboard preview (iOS)!

I have installed the app and now I have ghost devices showing in one of my rooms. These devices do not show in web ui or my Android app.

Could you please help me with more details? What type of devices? Could you share a screenshot?
It happened on an atom or vera controller?

I had to have these hidden by support a few weeks ago on my Edge. They just randomly showed and I was not able to hide or delete. Now back in the app. Only the generic, humidity sensor 1, and unknown devices.

I have the same ghost devices, but am pretty sure they were there in the previous version.

One thing I had hoped the new UI would bring is a more intuitive way to program a thermostat for the Heat and AC setpoints. Is that still possible? See my beta view and VeraMate view for comparison.

It seems to me that I had seen this in one of the first versions of the Vera app although that could have been on the web interface. ??

@ClovisJack @sky320
They look like virtual devices created by a plugin. Could you please help me with the list of plugins you have installed on your controller?
I will investigate on my side too, it may be a bug about hiding devices marked as invisible. Or maybe the plugin that created the virtual devices never marked them properly.

here they are

I submitted my  id, can you send me the invitation please.

I’ve seen this before and it was due to a parent sensor going awry. Look at a few of your ghost sensors to see which device is the parent device. Then go to the parent device and click “Configure Now” under advanced. That will cause the parent device to reconfigure and remove the ghost child devices.

One thing i noticed is that when you have pressed for example dim a device it a bit hard to hit X (1)when you are finished. Its so close to the device on of button.
I would like the on off button to be moved and also be able to close it just touching the are outside area (2and3).

First problem i have found.

Fibaro double switch 2 Does not Always report right status. In this case light is off in reality but in app says its on.
I kill the app but yet it says its on.
/ Mattias

That did it Thanks for the direction! Vera support just hide the devices and did not know this. They are now gone THANKS AGAIN.

Hello guys,
An update is now available on Test Flight.
Here is the demo video with what we implemented:

What is new:

  • We added support for new sections with custom names
  • We added a new option called “Compact Header” that will reduce the header space a bit

Thank you for all the feedback you sent us so far. We will keep preparing updates for you based on it.


Liking the new update some things I’d like to see for iOS

  • Dark mode
  • Widgets
  • Each section should be resizable
  • Each device in the section should also be resizable so that devices with multiple options can be easily accessed, and not have to click the ‘>’ button
  • Siri Shortcuts, I think Siri Shortcuts will really put this app a huge step ahead and will defeat the need for HomeKit support.

Hello guys,

A small update is now available on TestFlight.

Here is the demo video:

What is new:

  • devices are sorted by room or type on “Select Devices” screen
  • scenes are sorted by room on “Select Scenes” screen
  • items can now be reordered on “Edit section” screen
  • we changed a bit the colours used for sensors: grey for disarmed, green for armed and red for tripped

Still missing the visual effect for an open door that is disarmed. Like in webui and public app.

+1 for dark mode.
Otherwise great progress! Keep the updates coming :blush:


Would be nice if we are able to save the layout as a backup or to copy it to another device.

The layout is saved per user.
If you login to another device you will have all your changes there. The only thing that is not transferable is the background image.


Siri Shortcuts will a very big step, a must option.

Thanks for the new dashboard, best thing what had happened to Vera in a last few years. Completely changes the way how I interact with my devices.