Vera 1 ... nostalgia

Concur! @rafale77 saved my bacon so many times it’s not even funny. My Vera Plus would have died thrice over had he not single-handedly offered me crucial remedies when I needed them. (Immediate answers that were not forthcoming from “official” forum moderators in my time of crisis.)

Yes, he’s verbose and often breaks the rules (overposting, etc.). But there’s a reason he was - and remains - #1 on the all-time Leadboard!


Hi @melith,

Can the access for @rafale77 to the forum be reinstated? He shows blocked for the next 1000 years.

Cheers Rene


I totally disagree with banning @rafale77… yes he his very critical and has a strong position now with Vera but he has been and is one of the handful of users thats endlessly helpful. Please reconsider your decision, if censoring/banning users continues I will be seriously considering moving to another platform.


rafale was banned not for his opinions but the way he was conducting himself in the forums, against the forum policy.
He had valid concerns. He also had some factually wrong statements he was making about the new platform (i don’t know why he was making them). But neither were the reason for his ban. Opinions are just that and not a reason to ban.

I genuinely wanted to work with him too.

I even reached out to him to establish a direct contact in dec 2019…He didn’t respond and he continued to breach the forum rules

Forum admins tolerated his behaviour for a long time, you can only break rules of the community so many times.

@melih, I know you own the company but you yourself have broken forum rules and engaged in personnel attacks. I have been on the receiving end. I to reached out in private messaging but did not receive a reply.

Also that is a private message and you posting it is against forum policy

“You may not post any excerpts of private conversations between other members of this community or the Vera staff without express permission from the other party. Additionally, you may not post descriptions of, links to, or methods for stealing someone’s intellectual property (software, video, audio, images).”


I like that Vera1 box, much better than the current Veraplus box with the indicators on the top so you cannot see them when the unit is on a shelf (who wall-mounts these devices?) . The Vera3 enclosure was the best of the lot - indicators and switches on the front, cable connections on the rear. Simples :upside_down_face:


I am only putting public what I wrote…I have given permission to myself to post it publicly! There is nothing Rafael sent me…therefore nothing from him to post publicly…

I stand corrected on that point, and apologise

I’m with @Pabla on this. Rafale is probably what saved your bacon while no one had put any effort on fixing things on the current generation firmware. I hope you will reconsider your position, because he will be a huge loss for us and for you Elzo too.


@kennedyj Agreed on the light placement. Also, believe I added that antenna as a mod… 1st one might have had antenna internal.

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Completely agree on the topic of @rafale’s banning. It is going to be a far more constructive place if the ‘rules’ are applied pragmatically at the will of the community. @melih while you own the company and the hardware upon which it operates, Ezlo / Vera team members make up a comparatively small and non-contributory part of it. The rest of the community seems pretty clear that rafale’s behaviour is acceptable.



Kudos where it’s due, sir


Loved our squeezebox ditched them after logitech did and sold all the gear for more than I paid for it new. Swapped to sonos, I wish I’d stayed where I had. The logitech remote with the screen was such a great little unit. Way ahead of its time.


Can rafale be reinstated?


Please reinstate rafale, he’s an essential resource here and has been exceptionally helpful and your number one user. I’m mad.


Remember the good ol’ days when…


I personally thing that @rafale77 did more for this forum, and esentially for the vera sales, than most of the vera staff.
I would say that out of respect for the users that you’re no longer offering support (aka Vera which you’re still selling to customers, you should remove the ban for rafale77) and maybe go so far as to publicly apologize.
It also reflects poorly on the new ezlo development. You guys say that you will provide API for users. And this is how you treat users. At this point if I would have a plugin in store, I’d delete it in protest.

But I also put myself in rafale’s position. If my ban was lifted at this point… would it make any sense to help vera users? Why would I help ezlo? It’s sad really. But again, since vera support is gone… I think rafale’s ban is part of a bigger plan.

Hopefully I don’t get kicked too, although, if I do… it doesn’t matter, especially since top 10 users get treated like this.


Totally agree



It’s too late now to reverse that decision… there has already been a blind eye turned towards this issue and even if the ban was lifted rafale wouldn’t even want to help anymore I don’t blame him whatsoever.


I agree. He already made it clear that he wanted to “ban himself” in his previous posts.