Today we launch official Google Assistant compatibility for Vera!

Nexus is the development portal. New features are first introduced here.

I’m sorry for this, the upcoming 7.30 will have a permanent remove function of the plugin.

Google DNS has always been used by Vera as default DNS and it’s not related to having google home plugin or not. In fact, the Google Plugin does absolutely nothing if you don’t authenticate with GH services.


Great job on the integration! On the initial setup all devices gets imported nicely with our with Swedish names in the correct rooms. Google home also interprets the names just fine when talking Swedish.

But when trying to disable/update the names in the nexus portal, it won’t accept the Swedish characters any longer (åäö). Also, you can’t seem to have the same name of a device in two different rooms (which works fine on the google home side on the initial import). This makes it cumbersome to find short name of devices as many rooms have a ceiling/window light etc.

Would have been nice if you could remove the valid character restriction as soon as possible so we can start using the integration.

When looking at the javascript there seem to be some hidden options “check_duplicate_name_off”, “check_valid_name_off”. How do I enable those without hacking around in the browser?


@Sorin, thank you. When will 7.30 be released?

We’re hoping for at least a beta by the end of Sept, but if you’re looking for a temporary fix, the support team can help you with that.

You could just insert an element with that id to the body with:

$(‘body’).append(‘<div id=“check_valid_name_off” />’)

Then the javascript validation should ignore that check upon save.
(Haven’t tried it myself yet…so I can’t say for sure it will be 100% successful)

Just tried it now…and it works. :metal:

I ended up just commenting out both of the checks in chrome devtools. Saving duplicates/swedish works just fine. But it is a bit hackish :wink:

@sorin, thank you. I prefer the support team to spend the precious time to help me with my other outstanding issue before. Unless the discover the problems are introduced by induced performance because of this google stuff?

Are the devices supposed to sync automatically after doing changes on the Vera Manage Google Home page? Because when I do changes on the Vera page the changes are not reflected in my Google Home app. Can I force a resync somehow?

Hi, I created the routine to run the scenes, it works well from Google Assistant of the phone but not from an answer and dots remain that blink

Say ok google sync my devices

I dont know what this means?

Your routines should work from either assistant on your phone or by asking a Google Home speaker device

You can also say “update devices” maybe it’s my accent but it doesn’t always understand me when I say “sync”.

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I noticed google routines don’t support continued conversation, for me anyway.

After successfully performing the scene, Google Assistant does not return a response and the dots remain.

I shared Google Home with my wife’s account, but she doesn’t see my routine, how can I share them?

If you have not already, you need to add an additional action for the response. Add action / browse popular actions then scrolll all the way to bottom and select say something and type in the desired response.

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how do i get to that page

Check this post:

found it thanks

Good Morning!

Dear, I made the inclusion of Vera with Google Home, but it is not working properly. GH is pulling some devices in duplicate, putting scenes as a device, not accepting some commands to turn on lights, fans and sockets.

I was surprised how easily I was able to enable Vera Smarter Home Control in Google Home, after I shut down my Vera Concierge operation via Synology, and disconnected it from Google Home.

The new connection worked instantaneously, and I just added a couple of routines to enhance my voice commands to operate a door lock. The responsiveness to commands is faster and I haven’t experienced any fails as I occasionally had with Vera Concierge.