Today we launch official Google Assistant compatibility for Vera!

@Sorin what’s the chance Vera hasn’t deployed the service? Seems to be what we are experiencing. Google approved the application, but it still had to be deployed. Of course, this is just a stab in the dark since we haven’t gotten any feedback in a weeks time. Phát hành hành động  |  Actions console  |  Google Developers

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Man, sure does seem odd that, 5 hours after I posted this needed to be deployed, it now shows up in Google Home.

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Finally… I can see Vera Home controller in Google Home App… :grinning:

@skyecm If that was the case, thank you for pointing that out to Vera. I understand going through certification through Google isn’t the easiest (especially the first time), but these questions should be addressed so this doesn’t happen in the future.

Great work @Sorin and team… Installation was just smooth as it should be… :clap::clap::clap:

Yay! It’s working!

It works for me too.



Is there a location/information of what is supported by this Google Home plugin?

I see that locks are not supported, sensors, looking into shades and vents. ???

Also, it looks like it integrates all devices from the account. If there is different locations with completely different Vera setups, doesn’t look like you can pick which Vera. I assume I will have to now just make a separate Vera account for each location.

What I am curious is how it will work with Bridged/Networked Vera’s: Master/Slave. I hope it doesn’t have redundant devices. I assume it will be ok.

Lastly, if you have thermostats like Nest/Honeywell or Netatmo/etc that is linked in Google home and also in Vera, can you unlink single devices? The redundancy of naming devices will definitely interfere with the neural network voice system as I experienced. Naming and rooms are a crucial part of the Google system.


Very excited to see it show up in the Google Home app. I’m getting an error after I tap on the Vera service, the Home app says “something went wrong”.


Initially had some trouble.

After trying a few times entering Vera credentials I got the error.

Couldn’t update the setting, check your connection.

I removed my Atom from Android App and unplugged and it is working now.

I had to remove the Atom from my account, then it worked. I’m assuming that isn’t compatible yet since there is no Google plug in for it. Have not tried re-adding the Atom, so that may have to be gone for good.

I’ve not been able to get past the error on either iPhone or Nexus 6P. Any tips?

Appears to be working properly on my Pixel 3

@Sorin Thanks for getting the integration somewhat started.
Can we get an “Official” answer on the locks aspect. I have both Schlage and Yale, and neither show in Google Home??
I’ll echo @jadragescu point on duplication editing needs.

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My experience:
Vera Smarter Home Control is linked.

Something went wrong. Try again.

Glad to see this was finally worked out. I was able to link my Vera account and Google Home recognized my light switches, relays, in-wall plug and thermostat. Associated the ones I did not have in other linked accounts and am now able to control the devices via voice on my Google. I do have other devices that Google did not recognize, locks and sensors but, am hopeful they may come later.

I don’t understand all the negativity. I find the Vera infrastructure to be maturing nicely now that new ownership is in place. I’m stunned that no one understands about taking over someone else’s project - figuring out the status, what works, what doesn’t, then mapping a solid plan to move forward.

No, everything doesn’t get fixed “first.”
No, new leadership can’t make its fingerprints felt instantly.

Patience is a (long lost) virtue.

I, for one, will sit back and see what happens next before taking my ball and going home.


Just to add. In addition to the Schlage lock missing, I am also missing the ADT garage door opener.

Well done :+1:, certainly worth the waiting. Finally can speak Dutch to the house (bye Alexa…). Now lets dive into this and see how I get the blinds working.

google blocked doorlocks or doors // garage doors that stuff but vera concierge 2.029 allows this though so i use VC for that